Image by Chealsea Shapouri
Like any medicine, knowing the proper dose of how much Cannabidiol (or CBD) a person needs is important. Though improper dosage for CBD would only cause minor side effects, its efficacy would be significantly reduced. Fortunately, there are ways to know the right dosage, and we’ll be talking about how to safely identify the proper dosage for cannabis oil today.
But before we begin, we want anyone reading this to know that the article’s aim is to provide tips on how to find the right range of dosage for people. It’s in no way trying to replace a doctor’s medical prescription. Always refer to the dosage that the doctor prescribed and talk to them whenever you have questions or concerns.
Let’s Start with a Low Dose
The factors that doctors take into consideration when providing patients with dosage are weight, gender, body size, and age. After taking the appropriate measurements, they will then prescribe how much mg (short for milligrams) a patient must take. For most people that need CBD for pain relief, inflammation disorders, and sleep aid, a lower dose proves to be most effective.
A German study back in 2016, titled Cannabis and Cannabinoids in Medicine: Facts and Perspective, published in the German medical journal of Thieme stated that low doses of CBD helped with “neuroprotection, anti-oxidative, and anti-inflammatory effects”. Individuals could start taking around 10 – 25 mg, which is the safest and recommended dosage that many medicinal cannabis products suggest. After a while, they’ll eventually begin to bump up the doses to increase efficacy.
Transitioning to a Higher Dose
When entering a higher dose, not much really changes in terms of sensation and side effects. Higher doses of cannabis oil have been observed to help treat illnesses that range from Type 2 Diabetes and nausea to psychiatric disorders like dementia and schizophrenia.
There was a study back in 2018, published in the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry titled Cannabidiol Presents an Inverted U-Shaped Dose-Response Curve in a Simulated Public Speaking Test, showing participants who took 300 mg doses helped calm their anxiety down. Doses of 150 mg and 60 mg were to be found less effective for anxiety, compared to the 300 mg dose that its participants described as “just right”.
Is it Possible to Overdose?
Understandably, there are a lot of people worried about overdosing on CBD. However, plenty of research suggests that it’s highly unlikely to overdose on the compound. A study published in the medical journal PubMed titled Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol, a Cannabis Sativa Constituent, found that 1,500 mg of CBD can be taken by humans daily, without any adverse side effects.
Dosage is all about taking the right amounts of medicine for your body and it’s vital to follow them. But it’s equally important to listen to your body and the effects it is feeling. When taking CBD, cannabis oil, or any medicine for that matter, always consider whether the symptoms your feeling are getting better or worse and immediately contact your doctor.
Read more stuff about CBD dosage by reading a Healthline article titled CBD Dosage: Figuring Out How Much to Take and video by WayofLeaf titled How to Dose CBD Oil Properly